Goo Hara shows off her toned thighs

Article: "All eyes on the honey thighs"... Goo Hara's mini hot pants

Dispatch via Nate

1. [+338, -58] She has a flat butt judging by that side picture but she looks a lot better with some more weight on her now

2. [+249, -84] It would be nice if she had some hips but she's just a board

3. [+163, -19] I think this is the prettiest I've seen her all year and was floored looking at these pictures but the comments are a mess ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+29, -2] She must've worked out hard

5. [+26, -4] She was just stick skinny back then but her thighs look a lot more toned up now.

6. [+25, -3] She's so pretty, I feel like everyone would stare if someone like her walked by but it's funny reading comments here criticizing her for lack of hips or being too thin.

7. [+21, -5] Am I the only one who finds her pretty? She's so pretty in an uncommon way and has a pretty head shape.

8. [+20, -11] She's pretty but it'd be so nice if her fake nose wasn't so obvious
