FT Island wins #1 on 'The Show'

Article: FT Island wins #1 on 'The Show' following 'Music Bank'... "Thank you to our fans"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,656, -254] Really hope the best for them

2. [+1,119, -188] Let's do eveeeeen better, fighting!

3. [+859, -161] Ohhhhhhh, congratulations

4. [+1,197, -609] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Super Junior and these guys... amazing how they still win awards when they're not even ont he charts.

5. [+889, -528] It's really meaningless because their digital rank is barely around 400th ㅋㅋ

6. [+155, -25] They're not even on the digital charts and they're winning #1... that bothers me but I still like them and want to support them. Congratulations on the win and continue to produce great music.

7. [+172, -74] I don't hate FT but... their song isn't even on the charts... I don't know how awards are given out these days.

8. [+131, -46] We know that the digital ranking is bad.. but our kids sold a lot of albums and won #1 through pre-show and live time votes so please view them positively. This is their first album that they produced and composed themselves so please support rather than criticize.
