Alberto says Italians are a heavily 'looks-focused' society and get lots of work done too

Article: 'Abnormal Summit' Alberto, "Italians are harsh about looks, lots of plastic surgery"

Source: TV Report via Naver

"Italians are like Koreans. They get a lot of plastic surgery work done. We care a lot about our looks. I don't think I'm that bad looking but it was still hard for me because Italians expect you to not only be handsome but also dress well. It's uncomfortable at the clubs because people go not to dance but to put on a fashion show. If I try to talk to a pretty girl, she'll look at me like, 'You? How dare someone like you?'. Everyone looks unnaturally pretty and handsome."


1. [+5,162, -62] First time hearing that Italians get a lot of plastic surgery... really?

2. [+3,741, -138] I bet even Alberto's brain is handsome ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+3,001, -261] Italians are all handsome and pretty without plastic surgery to me... can't get enough of the charms of an Italian man

4. [+2,851, -171] How much higher could Italians raise their noses? Or do they get work done on their eyes... And Alberto isn't handsome in the way that he looks sculpted but he looks friendly and has great proportions. Looks great in suits.

5. [+1,863, -57] Looks are important, sure, but the obsession has reached a point where we've begun to look down on others for it which is wrong

6. [+706, -13] What's smart about Alberto is that he talks about things that he knows Koreans are interested in hearing about. He'll always relate something back to Korea somehow, making comparisons and showing the differences between Korea and Italy. He's also not shy when it comes to criticizing his own country. Everyone's smart of course but the others usually just share their thoughts and leave it at that.

7. [+661, -58] I felt in today's episode that if Zhang Yuan was any more fluent in Korean, he'd mess up big time for some of the stuff he says... he really bothers me, lately..

8. [+470, -28] I feel like women have it worse when it comes to looks. When a man is ugly, people are more willing to let it go but when a woman is ugly, it turns into as big of a deal as a crime.
