TV: [Spoilers!!!] Unpretty Rap Star

Article: 'Unpretty' Tymee and Jayce's shocking elimination 'tears everywhere'

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+9,635, -255] Like Jessi said, it was Tymee's stage..

2. [+7,873, -168] Tymee did so well ㅠㅠ

3. [+9,332, -1,675] Jimin talks about how she hates being tagged as an idol but she uses that to her advantage so much... She's good for an idol but not better than Cheetah... she gets so much special treatment for being an idol. Sure Jimin throwing in a swear in her lyrics was shocking considering she's an idol but Cheetah did better.

4. [+6,884, -200] Tymee did so well, why was she eliminated? Why couldn't they just eliminate nobody, please..

5. [+6,819, -618] They need to rethink what Jessi said... the title of this show is Unpretty Rap Star.

6. [+2,498, -39] I hate Mnet for turning Tymee into a bad person and look at them change their attitude towards her after netizen reactions changed

7. [+2,477, -117] Not sure what the show is doing anymore ㅋ I don't hate Jimin but this isn't fair

8. [+2,257, -56] Jessi did go too far but Tymee did well, you can't deny that ㅠ


Article: AOA Jimin throws up the finger at Cheetah (Unpretty Rap Star)

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+100, -20] I hate her nasally voice

2. [+79, -18] I really am suspicious of whether Jimin wrote those lyrics herself

3. [+92, -40] What a joke... "Pretty pretty I'm sexy the hot" she thinks just throwing in random English words will work somehow

4. [+37, -5] I seriously think the judging panel is weird. The spotlight is always on Jimin and they're always praising her... It makes me not like her the more they do that. The show looks rigged.

5. [+31, -2] I like what Cheetah said "Isn't it time to judge without the idol bias? Until when are you going to tell her that she's better than you thought" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
