Can Kang Ho Dong recover from his 'crisis'?

Article: Kang Ho Dong in a crisis, he will end up 'invisible' at this rate

Source: Everyday Econ via Naver

1. [+9,512, -442] No matter how much hate he got on 1N2D, he should've just stayed on the show

2. [+9,248, -407] He's picking all of the wrong shows... a show like 'Invisible Man' even Yoo Jae Suk wouldn't be able to save

3. [+6,731, -847] The reason he's in a crisis right now is that his image is not only on the decline but there's just no room for his type of MCing style. He hasn't caught up to the times and the changes. If he keeps this up for 1-2 more years, even the PDs will stop giving him opportunities. There's no way he can recover his career alone... even his 'Arts' show, Jung Hyung Don is pulling all the weight. His old school hosting style with his tax evasion image is just uncomfortable for the viewers..

4. [+5,183, -570] He'd hit 20% in viewer ratings if he stuck with 1N2D but he's doing all these weird shows and only getting 2%

5. [+4,547, -1,139] I'd say he's already invisible... It's been a while since the industry has cared about him.

6. [+1,220, -133] I can't stand his MCing style. All he does his scream and shout.

7. [+1,035, -101] I'm tired of his shouting. He needs to change up his style.

8. [+1,001, -81] He needs to give up on his style and start following the variety trends... he's like an empty can nowadays.
