TEEN TOP's agency clarifies that the creepy window wasn't staged

Article: Niel reps, "Ghost picture? It's not staged"

: OSEN via Naver

"We are currently receiving a lot of questions from fans about the pictures. We didn't know until we read the reactions after the pictures were released. We did not stage them at all. The room inside the window is full of outfits and staff didn't even notice it at the time of the filming. They probably would've taken the pictures again if they had."

1. [+102, -21] Heard seeing ghosts is a sign of daebak, looks like his album's going to hit daebak

2. [+74, -14] Gave me goosebumps the first time, I guess it's daebak for him ㅎㅎ

3. [+80, -22] Hul... goosebumps;;; Niel's solo is going to hit daebak, it seems ㅠ

4. [+62, -13] Looks like the grim reaper;;;; I hope it means something good..?

5. [+21, -3] It's Friday the 13th today. Anyway, sounds like Niel's solo is going to hit daebak so fighting!

6. [+17, -0] TOP's not the type of agency to stage this kind of stuff ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ; And this is the first time TOP is so fast to answer and clarify things so please believe us... ^^

7. [+18, -1] As they say, your album will hit daebak if you see a ghost or hear one. Even if TOP staged this, they probably did it in hopes of a daebak.. support Niel's solo!
