Tablo to feature on Junsu's comeback title track

Article: Tablo to feature for Kim Junsu's title track 'Flower' with a rap featuring

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,203, -32] Daeeeeeeebak!!!

2. [+941, -20] Also heard Naul was participating in it too, I hope it's true!!

3. [+899, -35] Well they're going to sweep the digital charts then

4. [+841, -23] So looking forward to it ㅋㅋ

5. [+129, -6] Hul, daebak.. the line-up's daebak ㅠㅠ I hope March 3rd comes fast ㅠㅠ Kim Junsu and Tablo collab...

6. [+119, -7] Kim Junsu and Tablo collab, daebak... Really looking forward to his album this time

7. [+112, -2] Daebak... Dok2 and Tablo? And even Naul...? Daebak

8. [+109, -4] I wonder what the song will sound like with the two of them ㅎㅎ
