EXID reps deny Hani's blind item rumors

Article: [Exclusive] EXID reps, "Blind item rumors on Hani are unfounded/hateful rumors"

: Star News via Naver

1. [+374, -23] The content basically alludes to her giving sexual favors, is it believable?

2. [+324, -21] It really was shocking.. is it true, though? If her reps are so confident, they should sue all of the insiders who claimed it to be true.

3. [+95, -19] But not all blind items are false... there are some that end up being true so you can't ignore all of them ㅋ

4. [+72, -7] So many end up being true.. and it only takes a moment for your name to be passed around in rumors. If it is false, I hope they do something about it so that the rumors don't spread any further ㅜ

5. [+65, -3] File a lawsuit if you're not going to go easy! Find the person who claimed it


Source: Nate

1. [+78, -6] So what's it about, I'm curious..

2. [+46, -7] Romantic. successful

3. [+25, -8] What kind of agency would confirm that blind items are true? I'd lie too if I were them

4. [+18, -12] Too many instances where blind items ended up being true, although I'm sure some of them are lies

5. [+13, -10] There's no smoke without fire... and if you ignore the smoke, everything will go down in flames. They better pick it at the roots if the rumors aren't true.
