Fei talks about the stereotype of the Chinese not washing often

Article: Fei blows up about stereotypes, "People ask me if I shower once a week"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

"When I first came to Korea, people asked me if I shower only once a week. I was so taken aback by that. I replied back that I shower everyday and if they really thought that Chinese people don't shower and they really did. I was so surprised."

1. [+1,063, -36] I know that it's not all people that are like that but I think Chinese people in general don't wash as often...

2. [+1,000, -32] Fei's a celebrity so she probably showers everyday but the Chinese in general don't seem to. I know that water was scarce back then but it seems to have just become a cultural thing now. I had a Chinese exchange student and went to her bathroom and it was so disgusting. I knew I was being rude and just asked if she showered often at all and she said she did because she washed her hair once a week. I think not washing often is just a cultural thing.

3. [+752, -15] I was roommates with a Chinese kid for a year too who came from a mid to high class family in Beijing. She was really nice and worked hard in everything but the one bad thing was that she showered once every 3~4 days and wore the same thing everyday.

4. [+75, -7] I'm sure the world would have environmental problems if every single person in China washed every day

5. [+73, -1] I dormed with a few Chinese kids and they never washed. Kids who shared rooms with them all shared the same problem of the smell;; The stereotype comes from experience


Source: Naver

1. [+11,854, -429] Fei's the exception. The Chinese tourists I see are all really noisy, smell, and don't follow social rules. I saw a group of them jaywalk at Myungdong today. It's hard to not stereotype them.

2. [+6,018, -281] Hmm.. but I don't shower, hoo

3. [+5,277, -288] That's still wrong to ask her to her face like that...!

4. [+3,759, -397] Ah... Fei's bursting with charms ㅋㅋ

5. [+3,500, -300] How could you ask that to someone's face; ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+867, -19] My dongsaeng studied abroad in China... and I know that it's wrong to generalize but they do generally seem to wash less than Koreans.. especially their hair ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+866, -34] I don't think it's just a stereotype

8. [+741, -33] I went to a hot springs resort in Japan. Saw tons of Chinese tourists at the hotel but not one of them at the actual hot springs... I think the stereotype is true.

9. [+674, -15] But they really don't wash... at least the Chinese exchange students at my school don't.

10. [+653, -15] A group of Chinese tourists got on my bus and they smelled... I'm sure Fei being a girl group member is an exception.
