Winner's Lee Seung Hoon opts out of Chinese fan meet for health reasons

Article: [Exclusive] Winner's Lee Seung Hoon won't be attending Chinese fan meet due to health issues

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+1,126, -33] I was worried when he fell off stage and came right back up ㅠ I'm sure he's upset about not being able to attend a fan meet he's probably prepared a lot for. Recover fast ㅜ

2. [+896, -22] Wishing him a speedy recovery..

3. [+823, -25] I wonder what's going on.. I'm worried.. get better soon and be healthy~

4. [+602, -157] Meanwhile in other agencies, skipping promos for being sick means you're out of the group ㅠ Recover well and let us hear your singing again!

5. [+171, -3] He fell off the stage during his concert and came right back to dance and even performed the encore. Heard he cried back stage after that. He must be really sick if he's opting out of promos... Hopefully he gets some rest and gets better. Fighting!

6. [+136, -2] Health is the most important.. I hope he gets better soon we so we can see him bouncing around on stage again.

7. [+123, -1] Hul.. get better soon
