Bobby Kim investigated for sexually harassing a stewardess on a plane while drunk

Article: [Exclusive] Singer Bobby Kim sexually harasses stewardess on a plane to America while drunk

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+14,631, -172] I never took him to be that type of person, what a disappointment...

2. [+10,440, -132] Keep the Americans in America..

3. [+9,712, -109] Tsk, America is not like Korea where punishments are given lightly

4. [+8,004, -91] tsk tsk tsk, what is he going to do now

5. [+8,161, -689] There's a reason he's still single when he's that old

6. [+1,591, -24] Anyone who's seen him on variety has probably noticed that he's got issues... he's hot tempered, always acts like the victim, blows up at the littlest things.. and people always talk about how he loves drinking

7. [+1,568, -19] I remember he said on a show that he almost died because of drinking once and now he really drank his career in Korea to death.

8. [+959, -27] This is crazy... hul, what's going on??? I never took him for the type


Article: Bobby Kim, "It was a mistake of issuing the wrong seat by the airline.."

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+4,781, -217] Bobby Kim's at fault but so is the airline

2. [+2,849, -351] The airline made the mistake so why'd he throw a fuss at the stewardess?

3. [+2,883, -431] The airline made a mistake but Bobby Kim's even trashier for getting drunk and making a fuss like that

4. [+2,299, -121] Sigh, even if he was pissed over the mistake, he should realize that how he handled it isn't normal at all

5. [+1,568, -82] Bobby hyung, why'd you do that... how disappointing.. ㅠㅠ


Article: Bobby Kim reps, "Bobby Kim genuinely apologizes regardless of everything that happened"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+4,067, -193] I don't get why an airline would even serve as many drinks enough for someone to get drunk

2. [+3,203, -65] And another one bites the dust

3. [+2,557, -234] He's a public figure, he should've been more careful... but it's good that he apologizes right away

4. [+2,250, -49] Should've been more careful in an age like today... farewell, Bobby Kim

5. [+389, -11] Not even one instance of sexual harassment but multiple... it's obvious he thinks he can live life however he wants. You do not solve your problems or complain about them through sexual harassment.


Article: Bobby Kim, "I apologize no matter what to that female employee" reflection

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+198, -17] He's American so turn him over to American police. He'll be in even bigger trouble ㅋㅋㅋ He better not be like "But I'm Korean, I'm on a Korean plane so send me to a Korean police"

2. [+156, -13] Great, he can spend his night drinking, and drinking again tomorrow night, and just stay in America like that. Farewell.

3. [+109, -15] Alcohol is the problem. Didn't he get in trouble before for drinking? Farewell anyway
