Rookie girl group 'Girlfriend' slates debut for the 15th

Article: Girl group 'Girlfriend' unveiled... debut set for 15th

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+76, -3] Aside from the one on the far right on the bottom row, they all look the same

2. [+38, -3] What is this ㅋ First Boyfriend and now Girlfriend? ㅋ

3. [+33, -2] I thought they were from Boyfriend's agency at first;;

4. [+24, -1] Looks like another girl group destined to disappear...

5. [+24, -6] The one in the middle in the top row looks like Kim Yoojung and the one in the middle in the bottom row looks like Jessica

6. [+4, -1] They're wearing Japanese athletic outfits~~ Hello Venus was wearing that too for their follow up promos
