G.NA confesses to getting a fat transplant in her face

Article: 'Everybody' G.NA confesses to getting a fat transplant during early debut, face became paralyzed

Source: TV Report via Nate

"This is my first time confessing this but when I first debuted, my company recommended that I get a fat transplant in my face because I didn't have any fat there. I thought my face was going to explode after I got the surgery done and it became paralyzed. People thought I looked younger then but I never want to go through that again."

1. [+381, -15] G.NA's honestly a good singer and had a great debut track but her concepts kept getting sexier and sexier, which made me sad... She needs another song like 'I'll Back Off So You Can Live'

2. [+253, -9] I always thought her smile looked awkward during 'Black & White'

3. [+126, -25] She's pretty and sings well, what more do you need. No need to hate.

4. [+20, -8] Honestly my first time hearing a celebrity confess on her own accord that she got a fat transplant

5. [+19, -5] Can you tell us about your eye and nose plastic surgery experience too?

6. [+12, -6] She had her entire face and body under the knife, she thinks talking about a fat transplant will divert our attention from that?

7. [+12, -3] I remember so many people hated her for having awkward facial expressions when she sang during her early debut days.. I guess now we know why

8. [+11, -0] It's not paralyzation, it's because her face is swollen from the surgery that she can't move the muscles as well. It's hard to smile too.

9. [+11, -0] Didn't she claim she never went under the knife?

10. [+10, -4] I like G.NA unni for always being bright, please come back with a good song ㅜㅜ
