Park Han Byul participates in the ice bucket challenge

Article: "Cold"... Park Han Byul participates in the ice bucket challenge

TV Report via Nate

1. [+330, -23] She looks like she's barely even wearing make up and she's so pretty. 7, you crazy guy ㅡㅡ

2. [+221, -11] The ice bucket challenge is where you have to donate $100 if you were named and can't do it or donate $10 if you do go through with it! It's to raise awareness for ALS and a lot of famous people are participating!

3. [+212, -21] How could Se7en go to a massage parlor with a beautiful girlfriend at home like this...

4. [+11, -8] Why is she doing it??

5. [+8, -0] She looks way prettier with her hair wet like that

6. [+5, -1] I bet she's thinking I have no idea why my manager's making me do this

7. [+4, -2] I don't get how this helps ALS patients... Doesn't not participating in the challenge help more since you're donating $100 as opposed to $10?

8. [+3, -1] Have a feeling we're going to be seeing more of these articles now..
