Sunye clarifies that her tweets are not sponsored

Article: Wonder Girls Sunye speaks up about sponsored post controversy... "Don't misunderstand"

Source: TV Report via Nate

"I want to use the power of my name to at least give any small amount of help so please don't misunderstand as (my posts) being sponsored. Calling me a power blogger doesn't fit me."

1. [+157, -9] She always mentions the names of companies and takes pictures of products with a thank you message saying she'll use them well. Even when her baby was born, she took pictures pictures of the baby in sponsored clothing with the brand's logo clearly showing. Her twitter's already become a blog, her fans are out of the picture ㅋㅋ If she's in Korea, she should be keeping her fans up to date on what she's up to.. of course fans are pissed when all she does is upload pictures of sponsored products.

2. [+135, -11] I don't care. Just leave the Wonder Girls.

3. [+96, -7] So she's using the power of her name to help brands but she's not a power blogger. That's what a power blogger is.

4. [+23, -0] Just go back to doing your charity service ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+15, -1] You're not a celebrity anymore, just an ajumma.. live quietly. Go do your charity services.
