2NE1 releases music video for 'Come Back Home'

Article: 2NE1 'Come Back Home' MV... four girls from space... a concept that exceeds imaginations

Mydaily via Naver

1. [+820, -150] 'Happy' brings out their cuteness while the scale for 'Come Back Home' is amazing ㅋㅋㅋ made me go hul the minute I saw it ㅋㅋㅋ The scale is out of this world... good! ㅋㅋ

2. [+669, -114] 'Happy' has great color quality while 'Come Back Home' has a fresh concept

3. [+631, -97] Thought I was watching some foreign film..

4. [+629, -110] Seemed more like the trailer for an SF movie... the quality! And Sandara is of course pretty.

5. [+524, -93] It's like an SF movie

6. [+137, -21] Seems like the plot is a call for the people fallen in a virtual paradise to come back home

7. [+120, -14] I'm going to need an interpretation for the 'Come Back Home' MV... while the 'Happy' MV is cute! ㅋㅋㅋ and please stop using Dara's hair for experimental purposes ㅗㅗ

8. [+166, -71] Soshi was demolished not only in digital rank but music video quality

9. [+114, -21] The MV's plot seems morbid. It's like a future SF concept in a virtual paradise manipulated by the people to escape a barren reality. They believe they're in somewhere safe and comfortable like the Matrix but 2NE1 destroys the virtual paradise and wakes up the people to reality, telling them to come back home. Well, that's my interpretation at least ㅋㅋ

10. [+106, -15] Definitely a lot better than stripping and butt shaking
