Rookie girl gorup 1PS reveals member YENA

Article: Rookie girl group 1PS reveals first member YENA

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+181, -35] Staff commenting too obviously

2. [+122, -12] A face punched straight out of a factory, poor body proportions, nothing special about her. Don't waste your time and get back to studying.

3. [+82, -8] No one will care even if you reveal all of the members..

4. [+40, -45] She looks like Suzy at the beginning of her debut....

5. [+34, -43] Ehhh~ She has great visuals for a rookie, don't you think???? You think all girl groups have visuals like her when they just debut? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+26, -11] Awkward comments ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+18, -2] You're not even a top 3 agency, what're you trying to achieve by revealing them one at a time ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+14, -2] Past or the present, companies show unending greed with staff comments

9. [+14, -4] So tired of girl groups..

10. [+13, -30] I didn't expect much but she's the prettiest out of the rookie girl gorups I'ev seen lately. The first picture looks like Shin Se Kyung ㅋㅋ
