Journalist has fun with Hyosung's scandal

Article: "It was all make up?!" Jun Hyosung's secret 'eyeliner thicker than her eye'

Sports Seoul via Nate

Yes, an entire article about the thickness of her eyeliner. YES.

1. [+211, -25] Her eyeliner isn't all that thick compared to other people. Anyone without double eyelids will know that even if you draw it that thick, you can't see even half of it once you open your eyes. What I'm saying is that it still looks thin no matter how thick you draw it. If it isn't at least that thick, it doesn't make a difference.

2. [+177, -24] Journalist... I get that Hyosung committed a mistake, but this is just immature and petty. Just because her image is taking a dive after her democratization statement, this journalist ba$tard puts out an article basically saying "her looks are all the power of make up" ㅡㅡ

3. [+118, -12] Seems like the article is just meant to stir up more hate since Hyosung's the punching bag lately. How can journalists even jump on the hate train ㅋㅋㅋ Whether or not she's wrong or right, I've never seen anyone hate on her for her make up.

4. [+14, -7] Journalist jumping on the hate train... Oh, it's a female journalist.

5. [+13, -17] Study in the time you have to draw eyeliner~
