[Pann] Categories of female stars' body types

Body type that's thin but has everything you need (aka chest + butt)

Body type that are glamorous with a healthy beauty (more popular with men than you think)

Body types that are short and thin

Body types without any volume but straight like a stick (more popular with females)

Source: Nate Pann
"Krystal and Sohee have different body types. Krystal's body is maturing from a girl's to a woman's while Sohee is continuing as a girl."
"This list is actually well categorized.... My body needs to close its eyes."
"If someone were to ask me to choose to pick a body type, I'd choose Krystal's."
"Glamorous body types actually have more popularity than you think. It's the epitome of what being a woman is about. People may say that stick skinny bodies bring out the best in clothes but you strip the clothes off and there's nothing beautiful about it."
"How is UEE classified under glamorous healthy beauty? She's so thin."
"Straight bodies like Krystal and Sohee have the best clothes fit."