lee soo man
[Instiz] Lee Soo Man's gift to Seoul University freshmen

Congratulations on your acceptance to Seoul University!
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100 will be able to receive SM artist calendars and autographed CDs, 50 will be able to see a Seoul concert of any SM artist, and 50 will receive SM smartphone cases.
Source: Instiz
"They're soooo lucky."
"This makes me want to study hard to get into Seoul University..."
"This is probably a stereotype but I feel like Seoul University students would rather study in the time they can go to concerts."
"I really feel like Seoul University students wouldn't care for any of these gifts ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"Why is it that this makes me more upset than when I actually received a rejection letter from Seoul University..."
"The only thing I'm interested in is whether the concerts they can choose from means it's another SM Town concert or there are going to be individual concerts... I want f(x) to hold a concert."
"Why doesn't EXO have a congratulations video."