Follow Up: Supearls, Park Shi Hoo

Just some follow up articles that journalists love doing post scandals to summarize netizen opinions/sentiment.


Supearls termination, netizens respond "Irresponsible" vs "Realistic decision"

TV Report via Nate

1. [+126, -11] Yes, the decision was realistic given the situation but it's also irresponsible. They tied them down when they were all over the media and now they're throwing them out when no one cares

2. [+142, -35] The only realistic decision YG could've made was putting GD in reflection. Now that's what I'd call a realistic decision.

3. [+96, -12] A shame for YG's family image since what he did was basically rip their names out of the family register


Article: 'Rape suspicions' Park Shi Hoo, will this impact his acting career? Impacted image leaves fans in shock

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+582, -166] Whether or not he raped her, he should've known as a public figure to control himself. He rolled around in bed with her after getting drunk so it seems more like a one night stand than rape... But that is still cause for criticism considering that he's a celebrity who relies entirely on his image and popularity. He should've been more careful. Yeah, I feel bad for him, but not enough to sympathize with him.

2. [+448, -87] A celebrity lives off of their image.. So this is basically the end of his career.. Looks like we won't be seeing him in any dramas any time soon.

3. [+394, -304] On the surface, he's done nothing wrong, but he's being forced to take moral responsibility just because he's a celebrity... If this had happened to a non-celebrity, no one would've cared. I feel bad for Park Shi Hoo for revealing the truth. It's obvious this is a ploy by his third rate agency to ruin his image, and all the media needed to do was add oil to the fire.


Park Shi Hoo's past statement resurfaces "I can't drink, and it's difficult for me to date"

Herald News via Nate

1. [+184, -19] It's a disappointment that Park Shi Hoo wasn't more careful and did a shameful act as a celebrity but I don't think he should be compared to Go Young Wook ㅋㅋㅋ All actors sleep with women, we all know how dirty the industry is so it's ridiculous to me that people are getting all disappointed over finding out that Park Shi Hoo sleeps with girls too.

2. [+126, -34] Well it's not like a man can do anything when a woman out for money is seducing him like that. You gotta admit that it looks like Park Shi Hoo is being used by her.

3. [+105, -17] Wait until all the facts are out. Speculations will only hurt both parties in the end. You cannot take back the words you've already spat out.


Article: Park Shi Hoo 'official response', "No force" denial of suspicions

Source: Asia Econ via Naver

1. [+2,764, -217] Well, they basically did it

2. [+2,393, -235] Park Shi Hoo's a man as well so of course he'd do it... it's just wrong to call something that was mutually agreed to as rape~~~

3. [+2,368, -227] Sounds to me like the girl and his former agency have this all set up

4. [+2,208, -120] Looks like Park Shi Hoo fell into that woman's trap. She seems manipulate... Totally bit on to him good.

5. [+1,882, -127] What I'm more curious about is that she's nothing but a celebrity trainee but she was somehow at the level to attend the same party as Park Shi Hoo??
