[Pann] Controversy troll 2

Check back to part one for background info and previous "controversies"!


Pann: ✖✖✖ Zelo's School 2013 cameo ✖✖✖

B.A.P. member Zelo will be making a cameo appearance in School 2013. He'll be taking an unprecedented role for a rookie by acting a gay character. Producers and co-stars were said to have given him a standing ovation while looking like they were unable to contain their joy.

1. [+29, 0] Don't tease us!!

2. [+28, -0] Welcome back you ba$tard

3. [+28, -0] Look at this kid playing us


Pann: ✖✖✖ Choi Daniel in controversy for splitting an apple by himself ✖✖✖

At the production conference for School 2013, the journalists asked all of the actors to pose while holding an apple. Choi Daniel reacted by splitting his in half. He really must have lost all sense of respect.

1. [+20, -4] Daebak! Seriously? Oh my god!!!

2. [+20, -2] Yes, this is what we want... come back with something stronger

3. [+10, -1] Write more write more write more
