Viewers surprised at Joo Jin Mo's aging handsome looks
Article: 'Looking haggard' Joo Jin Mo's latest picture, how'd he end up like this?
Source: Mydaily via Nate
[+294, -6] Looks like he hasn't been meeting up with his side pieces lately
[+243, -5] Hul... barely recognized him in that first picture.. has he given up on acting? How's he going to get roles if he doesn't take care of himself?
[+221, -1] He's a total ajusshi now
[+28, -0] No matter how sharp their features were, Jang Dong Gun and Joo Jin Mo are getting that ajusshi vibe with age... makes me wonder if all the ajusshis I see on the subway used to be handsome back in the day like this..
[+27, -0] Just looks like aging sped up by drinking and not taking care of himself
[+24, -0] I remember he never got any hate comments before he got involved in the Katalks with Jang Dong Gun. For all that reserved, classy act they all put on TV, it's funny how cheap they act off camera...
[+22, -0] Jin Mo-ya, you still hang out with Dong Gun?
[+22, -0] I bet he can't step foot in clubs no more...
[+13, -0] Feels like he hasn't been active in a decade
[+7, -1] Not that I'm defending Joo Jin Mo but at least he got caught when he was a bachelor ㅋ Jang Dong Gun was married
[+5, -2] Well, he's in his 50s now.. can't really compare him to his 20s or 30s.
[+3, -0] Aigoo, what happened to the Joo Jin mo of '200 Pound Beauty' ㅠ.ㅠ
[+3, -1] Just looks like natural aging