Kim Soo Hyun reps remain steadfast in response to erupting scandal
Source: Star News via Nate
[+783, -38] How is he going to clarify the cheek kiss photo? Still the same excuse, that they were close labelmate friends?
[+699, -41] Kim Soo Hyun's birthday is the last day of Kim Sae Ron's life on earth
[+624, -28] I want to know the dates of these pictures, too.. if she really was a minor.. if everyone really did stay quiet on that.
[+112, -1] She was in middle school, guys... middle school to a 30 year old...
[+85, -1] If you committed a wrong, just admit it
[+68, -0] Really want to know what his agency is going to come up with, tsk tsk
[+64, -1] What about a clarification on the new photos released...
[+58, -2] Kim Soo Hyun and his agency... lies beget lies. If you had just admitted it from the start, when Kim Sae Ron first released the picture herself, you could've just been honest, that you had broken up... calling it an unfounded rumor just makes Kim Sae Ron look like a psycho when she was telling the truth all along...
[+44, -0] If it's truly all false, you can go straight to suing for defamation, no? Not just claiming to take legal action?
[+41, -0] I suppose we'll wait and see what you take legal action for.. defamation?
Source: JTBC via Nate
[+381, -15] If it's all going to get out anyway.. he's better off admitting to what he can quickly and going into clean up mode.. He was so quick to say they never dated, that he's taking legal action, only for his reps to say "deciding on course of action" after the cheek kiss photo came out.. sigh
[+310, -55] So ajusshi Soo Hyun dated Sae Ron when she was 15, a minor, and paid off her debt for her, but once she got into her car accident and couldn't pay that back, he sued her, so she begged him through text to give her some leeway, but he ignored all her contacts, she's running out of money, she's being sued, and it all probably drove her mad.
[+252, -19] Please return to the star you came from
[+45, -4] I don't get the people who keep trying to blame this on her parents and her drunk driving.. in a relationship between a minor and an adult, the adult is 100% at fault. This is not just a mistake, it's a full blown crime in other countries. Why are Koreans not getting it?
[+42, -6] Don't come back, we don't want to see you
[+39, -0] I used to be a fan, this is depressing. Seems like it's a fact that he dated her as a minor. He's going to need an explanation that makes sense for his fans.
[+22, -1] Don't come out
[+19, -1] I'm hearing all that he's built come crumbling down...
[+15, -1] When he was shooting 'Queen of Tears,' didn't he have to keep his pay a secret because he was being paid such a ridiculous sum per episode? He's already earned so much wealth and honor, how could he do this to a person? How could he be so greedy?
[+11, -2] She was in middle school...