Court says NJZ promos are invalid

Article: New Jeans, NJZ will not be able to promote or take on CFs... Court rules, "Members must pay for lawsuit fees"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

[+2,517, -238] The court is right. This is about the contract in the end, not emotions.

[+2,247, -214] Quite obvious, no? This is what you get for ignoring the law. You can't just sign a contract and then decide you don't want to do it anymore. That's why they haven't been able to find a new agency yet, because no one wants to pay the fees for when Hybe comes after them.

[+2,220, -242] This whole thing was born out of Min Hee Jin's tantrum... New Jeans fans hating on Bang Shi Hyuk right now need to wake up.

[+230, -3] That 5.4 billion won they were paid each is probably all going to be blown on paying breach of contract fees

[+211, -5] This has got to be a sobering moment for the members ㅋㅋㅋ so why be stupid, tsk. One thing our country's known for is playing by the law. That's why signing a contract is a serious deal.

[+195, -2] You don't even have to be knowledgeable on the law to know that a signed contract needs to be upheld

[+188, -5] Now will the parents wake up from the gaslighting, though...

[+173, -5] Well, yes, a contract is not a piece of tissue paper

[+141, -0] I want nothing but the best for New Jeans but if the court takes Min Hee Jin's side, what's going to stop all the groups from any company running away as soon as they gain some fame? What does that make the investors? ㅋㅋㅋ

[+139, -6] Min Hee Jin has some serious reflecting to do for doing this to a group of kids who had a bright future ahead of them

[+130, -2] A true mother would not have put the kids up to this. She would've made them hide behind her.


Source: Nate

[+1,821, -203] The court's right, though.. you can't just throw a tantrum and say you want to leave so that cancels the contract. That's the whole point of a contract.

[+1,613, -178] ㅋㅋㅋ If New Jeans ever wins this, contracts will hold no meaning in our country

[+1,553, -176] Justice prevails. Can't believe they were paid 5 billion won each and are trying to claim they weren't treated right. Sigh. 

[+212, -4] You can leave if you want but you have to pay the termination fee ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ No court is going to rule in your favor when that means investors will lose out on their own investments ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+194, -7] The ultimate ending of the tantrum-dols ㅋㅋㅋ

[+192, -6] The lawsuit never made sense from the beginning, a contract isn't just a piece of paper

[+190, -3] They can have grievances, but a contract is a contract... it's not like the other idols don't know that they can just leave or they're staying with their companies because they truly love them. They know that a contract is a contract.

[+145, -3] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Follow the law, guys

[+123, -4] I'm sad as a New Jeans fan but the law comes above everything else. Tantrums don't work in court.

[+101, -2] I may have been paid 5 billion won but I was not treated right because they did not bow to me!!

[+95, -1] This was never a fight they were going to win. Just hurry and go apologize. A contract is not a child's joke.
