CF companies are already on the move with deleting association with Kim Soo Hyun
Source: OSEN via Nate
[+1,321, -24] I wonder when Home Plus is going to take his CF down. I heard they're struggling right now, maybe this is their opportunity to sue Kim Soo Hyun for damages and use that money to pay back their debts ㅋㅋ
[+1,276, -12] Jeju Airlines is already getting a ton of hate, probably best that they get on top of these things quickly before they get caught in the crosshair again;;;
[+1,055, -17] Best for companies to quickly take it all down and sue him for damages gogo
[+92, -0] We all know what it means when CF companies start dropping you....
[+82, -0] Start filing for those damages, people ㅋㅋ Kim Soo Hyun probably has a ton more contracts down the pipeline, too... can't imagine what the total is going to be in the end
[+56, -4] I hope he feels it!! When his contracts start getting trashed, when he starts getting sued for damages!! Feel what he did to that child's heart!!!!
[+54, -5] This is what he deserves for ignoring Sae Ron's desperate pleas for help...
[+46, -0] He's going to end up losing billions all because he couldn't let 700 million won go~~
Source: OSEN via Nate
[+544, -17] How was it ever possible that a man approaching his 30s could ever think to date a middle schooler? Legally, a middle schooler is not even a middle schooler. Their highest level of education achieved is elementary school. If someone that young shows interest in you, your job as an adult is to put them down the right path. That is your "responsibility." How dare you play with her for six years? It says in our laws that anyone who dates someone 16 and younger is a crime punishable of up to three years in prison.
[+403, -6] His whole concept of being the innocent young man, respectful, what a shock that none of it's true
[+390, -9] I know that it wasn't a small sum of money, but it wouldn't have killed him to just step back, watch her work to try and build her image back up, and then come for the money once she has some breathing room. Look at what's happened because he got so greedy for the money. Now his image is destroyed and he's going to owe these companies all this money.
[+78, -0] She didn't pick his birthday for no reason
[+75, -0] Dating a minor is shocking enough already... but for him to have watched her grow from a child to a middle schooler to high schooler to adult.. for him to sign her on to his company when she was a rising star... to then just throw her out so coldly and sue her for her debt after she already promised to pay it back... Man, I'd at least have the decency to be nicer to her out of fear that she'd blackmail me over our relationship ㅜㅜㅜ
[+73, -0] He's a fool. He's about to lose 70 billion won all over 700 million won
[+62, -0] Wow, karma is real... he's feeling the same pressure he put on Kim Sae Ron...
[+55, -0] Imagine ending your career and losing billions all over a few hundred million won~~ ㅋㅋ
Source: Money Today via Nate
[+1,602, -117] Shouldn't the kissing photos of a minor put him in jail already?
[+1,409, -19] 500 million won per episode...
[+1,323, -40] It's crazy how fast someone can end their career
[+212, -6] He's out here making 500 million won per episode and he couldn't wait for 700 million won from her to the point of driving her to death?
[+205, -5] I no longer wish to see the face of a man who has a mentality so thick that he can ignore a text of someone pleading, "Oppa, please save me! I beg you.."
[+203, -3] He needs to turn himself in and comply with investigations. This is a crime against a minor.
[+192, -7] For him to be this stingy over 700 million won when he's getting 3-, 500 million won per episode.. tsk
[+163, -3] This is not a good person
[+140, -3] He's about to go bankrupt right alongside Home Plus
[+120, -4] The irony of pushing Kim Sae Ron to her death over these fees and now having the same thing happen to him
[+108, -5] Not attending her funeral, there's no coming back from that...
Article: Kim Soo Hyun's Home Plus CF swapped out... signal of no contract renewals to come?
Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate
[+833, -18] This 700 million won debt is not the issue here. He dated a minor.
[+653, -24] Home Plus is in bigger trouble than just Kim Soo Hyun as their CF model right now.
[+535, -10] You reap what you sow~~
[+66, -1] Home Plus took him down? Then I'm back to supporting them. Home Plus, find strength ㅠ thank you
[+56, -2] Home Plus took it down.. time for the other CFs to follow suit. He has a lot of ads in subways.. can't stand seeing him anymore
[+32, -1] Farewell
[+30, -1] I hope Home Plus gets some damage fees out of him and are able to make a comeback
[+27, -1] Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...
Article: [Exclusive] Kim Soo Hyun won't be attending 'Good Day' filming tomorrow... likely to exit
Source: Star Today via Nate
[+407, -14] I don't think things would've gotten this bad if he had just said sorry, it's true that we dated with positive feelings back then... Instead, he showed zero consideration for a woman who was his ex.
[+376, -11] It's impossible to stay neutral at this point
[+331, -9] The right course of path
[+57, -2] Leaving shows is not enough, he needs to leave the industry
[+43, -2] He better not be coming up with some bullsh*t to say about the dead..
[+38, -4] What a mess to everyone... I'm sure the show already had recordings and everything set up, now they have to edit him out of everything ㅜㅜㅜ
[+37, -1] He better not come back and try to claim this as love... his actions in her last moments already proves that it wasn't.
[+27, -2] He's rich enough... I just want to know how much he's going to end up owing everybody
[+21, -0] He needed to have manned up, admitted to everything, and gone into reflection
[+11, -1] I thought you were so sure it was all unfounded? Come show your face then?
Article: Kim Soo Hyun's Tous Les Jours modeling contract ends this month, "no discussions of renewal"
Source: Top Star News via Nate
[+529, -13] Let's never see you in another movie or drama again!!!
[+495, -14] Ah, I feel so bad for Kim Sae Ron
[+424, -8] You reap what you sow...
[+84, -1] I hope he has to pay a ton in damage fees. He needs to see how it feels to have the worth of your life determined by money.
[+35, -0] Will be boycotting any company still using Kim Soo Hyun. There are plenty of options. No need to stick with a company using such a person as their model.
[+29, -0] There are calls for boycotts, no one's going to be renewing contracts with him
[+19, -0] Gotta cut ties as fast as possible~