Lisa compensates Thai store owners one month's worth of income for shutting down their street to film MV

Article: 'Young and rich' Lisa compensates store owners for one month of lost income for closing down the street for her MV filming

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+192] Wow, that's amazing.. look at that class of both character and power

[+77] Only 750,000 won a month, though...

[+17] Funny how haters have the audacity to hate on this when I bet they've never given a dime to anyone out of their own pockets 😂😂

[+20] Well, obviously her agency is paying for it after calculating that they have more money to make than to lose

- [+13] It's Lisa's company so it's pretty much Lisa giving her money to them

[+4] For something like this to make the news makes me wonder just how negligent production teams have been all this time and not doing what they should've been doing all along. Reminds me of that one scandal a long time ago where a hospital drama was filming inside a real hospital and actual patients reported being treated like a hassle to the filming team.

[+4] Kyah~ she's amazing

[+3] I feel like this should be common sense, especially if you're shutting down someone's livelihood, but I suppose it isn't

[+10] I feel like this should be the norm

[+0] 750,000 won to Lisa is probably the equivalent of 75 cents to the rest of us ã…‹ã…‹

[+0] That's pretty cheap considering how much money she's making off the whole production

[+8] Basically gave allowance money to a poor town
