'Superstar K' star Park Boram passes away from cardiac arrest

Article: Park Boram passes away, cardiac arrest while drinking with friend... police ask for autopsy

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

[+164, -3] Honestly, there is way too much news of young people dying from cardiac arrest lately...

[+56, -2] She must've had arrhythmia..

[+49, -3] May she rest in peace... how unfortunate at such a young age

[+22, -4] I pray that she gets to sing all the songs she couldn't while in heaven.. such a young age..

[+9, -1] I noticed she got really skinny.. perhaps being underweight was a cause. A lot of studies show how dangerous being underweight can be.

[+6, -2] I wish celebrities and YouTubers would cut back on promoting drinking culture... what a loss of a young life

[+2, -0] It's sad but I've seen cases like this of people between 20s/30s. They don't catch on to the symptoms because they chalk it up to just being in a bad condition that day and randomly pass out or die in their sleep. 
