Park We and Song Jieun reportedly have October wedding bells in mind

Article: Love that overcame paraplegia... Park We and Song Jieun to get married in October

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

[+387, -6] A beautiful couple, congratulations

[+180, -4] The parents of the woman are amazing, I wish them a happy life!

[+181, -18] Congratulations to them on meeting through the grace of God! I wish them happiness

[+57, -1] Wow.. they're getting married! Such a beautiful couple. Let's not leave any hate comments and give them our blessings!

[+33, -5] I've watched his videos and he's got such a healthy mindset. There are so many who are physically abled and yet crazy in this world... If my daughter were to search for a partner, I'd rather she marry someone healthy in mind than anything else. Someone who is of sound mind has everything you need in life.

[+23, -1] Song Jieun's amazing but her parents more so. A wedding may be between two people but it's realistically a joining of two households. I wish them happiness~

[+15, -1] I'm happy for them but I don't know I'd feel the same if she were my daughter...

[+14, -0] He's got a healthy mindset. I think anyone who knows how to love themselves the way they are is dependable and strong in any situation.


Source: Nate

[+320, -76] Christians scare me

[+100, -11] Amazing all around. As a fan of her SECRET days and her song 'Twenty-Five,' I wish her happiness

[+99, -27] Wow, this is real love... congratulations

[+79, -26] He's quite shameless, does he not feel sorry to her at all?

[+59, -2] They still could've waited until they had seen through at least four seasons together before deciding marriage...

[+40, -0] He's so selfish, he could not rush marriage this fast if he really loved her

[+39, -5] She's amazing.. but I don't know how she's going to live like this for the rest of her life. Her poor parents.

[+34, -2] I support her and congratulate her but if she were my dongsaeng, I think I would've called off the marriage~

[+32, -0] Song Jieun's definitely going to face reality at some point... and I say this as someone with experience. I sincerely hope she thought this through...

[+28, -0] I want to call it off... this is not it. I can feel her parents' hearts ripping.

[+28, -2] Jieun-ah, run...

[+27, -2] She's basically given up on her life as a woman with this decision

[+23, -2] How many bags of poop and urine can one change before reaching a breaking point? The power of love?? Not that long... though I can see them trying to make it work no matter what through their faith together...

[+23, -0] This quickly?

[+22, -0] Aigoo, just keep it to dating ㅠ sometimes being too kind is a disease in itself

[+21, -0] They haven't even been dating for a year..

[+16, -0] She seems like a kind person but reality is not so warm... it may seem fun and happy now but there is trauma associated with these kind of accidents and I don't know that she's prepared to take in all of his anger and frustrations..

[+14, -0] Marriage should always come after at least 2-3 years of dating... you should not get married when you're only in the honeymoon period of dating ㅜㅜ
