Kim Soo Hyun clarifies how much he's making per episode for 'Queen of Tears'

Article: [Exclusive] 'Queen of Tears' Kim Soo Hyun is being paid 300 million won per episode, not 800 million won... "less than previous drama"

Source: Star News via Nate

[+122, -10] It would take me 7 years to make what he makes in one drama hour ㅋㅋ life sucks ㅋㅋ

[+88, -9] 800 million won or 300 million won... either way, 300 million won per 12 episode drama is 3.6 billion won...

[+46, -14] And I'm sure Kim Ji Won is paid even less ㅡㅡ I'd rather she gets paid more, especially since this drama is becoming a hit thanks to her

[+29, -1] Can't believe how much celebrities make these days... 10 years ago, I remember reading that Son Hyun Joo was getting 6 million won an episode for 'The Chaser' ㅋㅋ

[+29, -3] 300 million won x 16 = 4.8 billion won

[+12, -1] Why's he talking as if 300 million won is some chump change. It would take the rest of at least 20 years to make even chat.

[+7, -1] There needs to be an 80% cut on celebrity salaries

[+7, -1] Are his acting skills worth 300 million won, though..? Celebrity salaries are such a bubble

[+6, -2] Why are all of you comparing your own salaries to Kim Soo Hyun anyway..? Are you as famous as Kim Soo Hyun in our country..?? Obviously his talents got to where he is today and he is being paid commensurate of that..

[+5, -1] Wait, is he calling that "lower than usual".. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ is this a self shield or somethign?

[+2, -0] 300 million won is no small amount! Even at the highest level of acting, I think 30 million won is still too high, it's crazy how inflated celebrity salaries have become
