Jung Jun Young released from jail after completing 5-year sentence

Article: Jung Jun Young is back in the world after five years... the reason he isn't wearing an ankle monitor

Source: SpoTV News via Nate + Nate

[+241, -2] Please make sure he's not allowed on any YouTube channels! The public should not have to be subjected to them in the media (including Seungri)

[+188, -1] It's crazy how lenient our country is to criminals! Imagine getting out this fast over a scandal that the entire nation was enraged over...

[+155, -2] I hope this is a wake up call to the judges. Look at how fast five years flies by. Look at how easily you let out these criminals back onto the streets.

[+71, -0] Perk of being a celebrity

[+61, -1] I didn't know five years had passed already, he definitely could've stayed in there longer

[+52, -0] You can't fix people

[+39, -3] Criminal

[+33, -0] Go Young Wook: It's alright... you'll get used to it...

[+32, -1] Look! It's a criminal!!

[+7, -0] And I bet he'll go right back to what he was doing ㅋㅋ he's probably already scouting women

[+3, -0] Can't stand this guy
