'My Dearest' viewers assured that Nam Goong Min has secured his daesang

Article: Tearful ending scene of 'My Dearest' has viewers assured that Nam Goong Min will win daesang this year

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+598] Out of all the married actors, he has the most meloromantic eyes of them all...

[+268] I can tell just by looking at his eyes what he's trying to say now... which breaks my heart even more...

[+174] Just give him daesang already, he's acting his heart out, what's the wait for?

[+160] Please don't do drugs ㅠㅠ protect him at all costs ㅠㅠ

[+172] He's become my must-watch, not only is his acting so good but he has an eye for picking really good dramas too ㅋㅋㅋ

[+86] Season 1: "You're cruel"... Season 2: "Just why..."

[+82] Our Gilchae is good at acting too ^^ it's their chemistry together that is able to bring out the best in everyone.. so hard for me to live life in the real world after seeing these two ㅎㅎ

[+44] Ahn Eun Jin will probably win top excellence and Nam Goong Min will win daesang

[+21] Yup, he deserves a thousand daesangs from all three networks

[+22] I wouldn't be able to stand life without this drama these days... Lee Jang Hyun ❤️

[+26] It was so frustrating for about an hour and then I started sobbing in the last 10 minutes

[+38] First time in a while that my heart's been aching over a drama like this ㅠㅠ

[+29] He has eyes that deliver the script straight to you without having to utter a word 👏
