EXO's Chen celebrates formal wedding

Article: Chen got married at the Signiel today with all of EXO in attendance

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

[+92] Kim Jongdaeddy is honestly insane... 'Don't Go' is a fan song and he chose the orchestral version of it for his own wedding song... He really does things on purpose knowing that he'll get for it. Why couldn't he have just picked a song from his own solo album? 

[+73] Is he serious with the 'Don't Go'? 

[+65] I always feel bad for EXO fans... my heart breaks for them

[+59] Genuinely curious about the mindset behind choosing a fan song as his own wedding song ㅠ ㅋㅋ 'Don't Go' is such a meaningful song to us fans, but surely he knows that?

[+54] The fact that he chose 'Don't Go' as his wedding song just shows that he has not one ounce of consideration left for his fans at all.. this is seriously going too f*cking far

[+47] I will never understand why he's so insistent on keeping both his life as a husband and an EXO member. It's greedy and selfish, and completely inconsiderate of his fans. He's just choosing to do whatever the f*ck he wants at this point. If he wanted a wedding so bad, he could've just done it, but why bring all this haet onto himself by choosing to hold it in this manner? If he would just leave EXO already, it would be easier for everyone. No one feels his absence in the group. EXO looked so good the way they were when he was gone serving in the army... so please... just leave. Enough's enough. 

[+30] Why would you sing 'Don't Go' at your wedding.. moreover, he's not even an EXO-K member

[+26] The fact that he sang 'Don't Go' as his wedding song.. he crossed the line;

[+26] That's too far... 'Don't Go' as your wedding song?

[+19] Wow, fans are saints for putting up with this

[+19] Please apologize to the fans for choosing 'Don't Go' as your wedding song!! ㅜㅜ if you have any shame left at all ㅜㅜ

[+17] He is not EXO

[+12] Embarrassing

[+12] He's always acting up like this

[+11] What a mess

[+11] Crazy Jongdae

[+9] He's really doing the most

[+9] Look at him all happy like that, tsk

[+9] Meanwhile, Baekhyun's visuals.. still cute and handsome

[+7] Amazing, just truly amazing

[+5] He's really doing this

[+3] When did he get so old...

[+1] Thought you said you were going to have a small ceremony... that it was going to be private... please just live happily and don't come back to EXO 😢
