Daniel Henney gets married to Japanese American actress Ru Kumagai

Article: Daniel Henney gets married to Japanese American actress

Source: Korea Ilbo via Naver

[+471, -17] I've always been so accustomed to him playing gentle and sweet characters so seeing him play the boomer boss on 'SNL' totally made me warm up to him, I wish him happiness~!

[+174, -3] Farewell, Daniel Henney~ I wish you happiness~ ㅠㅠ

[+243, -82] I've noticed that men who are handsome but have nothing else going for them are superficial when it comes to who they date, but handsome men who are also successful and decent people don't really care for looks when it comes to their partners. 

[+123, -8] They're both... American. What's up with these Korean American, Japanese American titles ㅠㅠ though I will admit Daniel could do a bit better~ ㅎㅎㅎ congratulations~ I wish you happiness

[+38, -1] I'm so jealous of this woman... imagine waking up every morning to Daniel Henney by your side, how sexy would that be...

[+29, -2] Saddest news of the day ㅜㅜ

[+29, -2] Reminds me of Yoo Tae Oh's wife. She's not pretty but has a good personality and takes care of him well. It seems like people who've lived abroad care more about what's on the inside than outer looks.

[+25, -0] We lost Henney to Japan... ㅜㅜ

Source: Naver

[+275, -28] Henney could do a bit better

[+89, -4] Congrats~!!! I wish you happiness~!

[+69, -4] I am against this marriage

[+45, -14] She's ugly

[+21, -4] She's so ugly... Daniel.. why???

[+17, -1] So it seems Henney doesn't consider looks


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+147] Our Henney could do much better..

[+41] Just shock after shock today... Lee Sun Gyun and now Daniel Henney

[+95] I've loved him since 'Samsoon' aghhh!!!! Congratulations 🥲

[+56] What did this woman accomplish in her past life to get married to Daniel Henney in this one 😒

[+19] They remind me of Yoo Tae Oh and Niki~~~

[+19] Agh!!!!!!!! I understand that it's time for him to get married, yes!! But aghhhhhhh!!!!!! Congratulationsagh!!!!!!!!!!

[+29] I oppose this marriage!!!

[+52] So he doesn't care about looks


Source: Wikitree via Instagram

[+162] Wow, I always wondered who would end up marrying him

[+74] I always thought he would marry some gorgeous Hollywood actress...

[+27] She... looks like Yoo Tae Oh's wife ㅎ

[+33] This has to be a dream... no way we just lose him like this

[+39] I refuse to like this post!! 😱😱😫😫😫

[+15] What is this betrayal... that I feel?
