BAP's Himchan undergoes trial in third sex crime charge

Article: Idol who committed another s*x crime while under trial for one already... victim reps, "We will not be offering a settlement"

Source: Han via Naver

[+294, -1] Sigh~ he's just lived his entire life in heat ㅋㅋㅋ

[+56, -2] Old habits die hard. Who did he even learn all this from? Aigoo

[+51, -4] Why do you live your life like that, tsk tsk

[+17, -0] He's one of those guys in the same category as Seungri~

[+13, -0] Trash

[+11, -0] Can't even imagine how many more crimes he's committed since his trainee days. I bet there are a lot more of his victims out there than we know of.

[+11, -0] What a mental illness. He should be thrown in jail for life.

[+8, -0] It's crazy that he wasn't reflecting or feeling any remorse while under trial, he was still out there committing crimes again...

[+4, -0] He's trash~ nothing more needs to be said. He needs to live the rest of his life in the dumpsters. 

[+4, -0] Guys like this can't be fixed... maximize his punishment.

[+4, -0] There's no way to fix guys like him

[+2, -0] It's a mental illness, he should be sent to a mental clinic and c*strated or whatever necessary.

[+2, -0] Aigoo~~ he should be separated from society.

[+2, -0] How do you fail to control yourself to this extent?
