'Unanswered Questions' slammed with 3,000 angry posts, YouTube videos taken down due to Fifty Fifty episode

Article: 3,000 protest posts, videos taken down... 'Unanswered Questions' wrecked over Fifty Fifty episode

Source: The Joongang via Naver

[+1,917, -4] Is there any reason to keep a current affairs program around if they aren't reporting fairly?

[+1,066, -48] They haven't been a fair program in a long time. They pick whatever current affair they want to and doctor it up to fit their agenda. 

[+622, -5] The point of the program is to present all sides to a story so that viewers can make their own judgments, but instead they cut all that out and presented only one side, which is why viewers are pissed right now

[+288, -2] This episode will probably taint their legacy forever

[+149, -2] The episode was ridiculous and an obvious attempt at framing the girl group as the victims and the CEO as the evil. They brought in so many random people to try and fit that framework with the handwritten letters at the end hitting a crescendo. It's hilarious that they're claiming to be neutral when it was obviously biased the entire time. They cannot take us viewers as such fools like this. There's no point in a current affairs program that no one trusts, and it should be taken off air if so.

[+146, -0] Has anyone ever seen an idol that won a lawsuit against their agency just seven months into debut? Why did they stay quiet when their first album flopped and it's only after 'Cupid' skyrocketed that tehy're choosing to file this lawsuit? Again, has anyone seen such an idol?

[+139, -0] It's obvious the members and their parents thought public sentiment would change once this episode went out... but if anything, they basically poured gas on an already flaming fire. Any chance of a comeback is forever gone with this. They need to file for bankruptcy and just live the rest of their lives working part-time at a cafe or whatever... What a shame.

[+79, -1] The episode featured someone they're claiming is from the company throwing a packed lunch that one of the member's parents made for them = but Dispatch posted a picture confirming that it was actually a The Givers employee. They also claimed that the CEO never attended their monthly review meetings = but a YouTuber posted video proof that the CEO was there at those meetings. That foreign man they featured was also found on Instagram to have met with The Givers in Seoul on July 17th. The female foreigner they featured lives in Korea, but they made her seem as if she lives abroad and was interviewed there. There are just a ton of people they featured that are involved with The Givers in some way, and a quick internet search will bring it all up. 

[+62, -1] It was basically set up to make Fifty look like the victims no matter the situation. The "forced diets," sure, then you should've quit being a girl group member. I'd understand why they were so upset if they were already skinny but the members are quite chubby as it is. And the CCTV stuff, even my own front door has a CCTV, why wouldn't a company have one at their door? And lastly, they claim that a talented artist should have the right to pick a company that they trust but if Fifty was as talented as they're thinking, then companies the likes of Big Hit or SM would've already taken them. Not only that, but they debuted off the production of others. They did not write their own songs. They're only seven months into debut, singing songs bought from others, so why are they calling themselves artists? If anything, this episode just made me dislike them even more.

[+57, -1] No matter how young they are, they are at an age where they should know the weight of a contract. There is a legacy left behind by the seniors in the industry that I'm sure they grew up looking up to, so it makes me sick to see them cosplay as innocent victims with masks on like this. They shouldn't be talking before spitting back all of the money that was invested in them first. They sat back while they let their CEO who spent all that money on them take the heat for nothing just so they could slip out of their contracts. All they had to do was wait another year or two to build up a strong fanbase and get some sales in, then maybe this framework might've been more believable then, but this is just too selfish for anyone to believe, especially in an industry where there are dozens of other groups ready to take their place.

[+50, -2] I'm just glad this scandal has brought to light the problems with 'Unanswered Questions'

[+48] The show needs to be taken off air. They really must take their viewers for fools to actually broadcast this and expect us to fall for it???

[+34, -0] Need an investigation into the PD and the writers

[+33, -0] There's all this evidence already out there and yet they were so desperate to change public sentiment that they cobbled together all these random bits and expected us to believe it~ shocking

[+30, -0] I don't care for these traitorous kids. How dare they ever mention BTS or Black Pink? BTS had to work part-time jobs to pay for themselves and their dorms. They overcame so many obstacles to be the group that they are today. 
