Park Seo Joon explains headband controversy with his scalp hurting from hair spray


Article: Park Seo Joon clarifies controversy around 'headband rejection'... "My hair was held in place with hair spray, it was hurting my scalp"

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+862] But it's not like he was the only one wearing hair spray on that stage. Was it really so difficult to just bear the discomfort for a few minutes by putting the headband on for a bit and taking it off? 

[+746] A meet and greet is quite literally a place for actors to greet viewers and talka bout their work. They're not there to play marionettes to all your whims and pose requests. Were fans there to actually watch his work or to play doll with these actors? I can understand feeling disappointed that you didn't get to see those things but to cause such a fuss that it results in a controversy like this is not necessary at all. If those things are so important for you, save it for a private fan meet or something.

[+361] This doesn't feel like something worth clarifying. He is not an actor whose career is reliant on receiving gifts from fans... and he doesn't have a criminal history or anything, so what's the issue...?

[+222] Aigoo... I saw the video clip in question and I feel like this whole thing could've been avoided if he had at least taken the headband Park Bo Young was handing to him if only to just hold it if he didn't want to put it on.  

[+185] Celebrities are people too! This is such nonsense... The public is so inconsiderate in the way they expect actors to sacrifice their personal needs for the sake of their fans. 

[+110] I question how badly his scalp was hurting over some hair spray. His career is highly reliant on the support of his fans, and the least he could've done was at least take the headband from Park Bo Young and hold it himself. If a rookie had pulled this kind of move, they would've been hated off the stage. 

[+105] But why do fans expect stars to comply with all of their requests? 

[+74] He didn't have to put it on, his scalp really could've been hurting, maybe he felt that the fan gift was unexpected, and yes, he shouldn't be expected to put it on because everyone else did... but still, it's a fan gift, Park Bo Young accepted it and offered it to him, the least he could've done was accept it on her behalf and hold on to it, or even act sorry that he didn't want to put it on right away. Instead, he declined it outright and didn't even look sorry about it... I think that's why this whole thing became a controversy ㅜㅜ

[+52] It was just uncomfortable to see Park Bo Young look so down when she told him "all right" and held on to the headband. It just felt a bit disappointing to see him react like that to her because it's not how we'd normally expect him to react. He's always been known for his humble and gentle image, so I did stop to wonder why he reacted like that to her. 

[+41] Does he not think the other actors had hair spray on? He has the level of wealth that he has because of his fans, and he should be happy to comply with requests of that level... And yes, he had every right to decline to, but Park Bo Young was right next to him holding it in her hands and he chose to awkwardly turn her down... And then to come out with an excuse like this? Even more ridiculous... 

[+37] Some fans need to just buy themselves a doll... If you want to dress them in accessories and pose them all sorts of ways, just do it to a doll, not to a person. 

[+31] He still could've at least accepted the headband to hold on to... Park Bo Young's hand looked mega awkward right then

[+14] The vibes would've been better if he at least accepted the headband from Park Bo Young... He made her look so awkward. Considering that all of this is off the heels of a dating scandal, he's getting all sorts of hate calling him Park StiffStiff and whatnot... 

[+7] His co-star Park Bo Young put the headband on. So many veteran actors before him have complied with fan requests such as this. And yet he was so adamant that he alone would refuse this request and put his co-star in an awkward situation like this. The vibes were off and that's why people are mad. 
