Park Seo Joon clarifies controversy surrounding his "lack of fan service" at meet and greets

Article: Park Seo Joon under controversy for lack of stage manners during fan greet

Source: Insight via Instagram

Park Seo Joon was spotted at a movie fan greet where a fan passed up a bunny ear headband that Park Bo Young put on and passed to Park Seo Joon, which he declined, gesturing that he had hair spray on. At another brand event, reporters had asked him to pose with finger hearts, to which he ignored and left after doing his own poses. Regarding the finger hearts, he commented in an interview that he "can't stand cringiness" and that "it makes me wonder if I'm being genuine when I give these finger hearts, but I am trying harder to be better about it." 


[+481] As they always say... what separates a fan and an anti is just one piece of paper. He probably spent hundreds at the hair salon to get his hair done, it's unfair for the fan to whine that he didn't put her headband on when he probably doesn't want to ruin the hard work put on his hair. 

[+440] Let's please let these actors breathe

[+200] Why do we take things so far.. just hearing the headline makes me choke up in claustrophobia

[+139] Actors are actors, they are not your stand-in boyfriends. Wake up. All that matters is that he's good at his roles. He doesn't exist to provide you fans with aegyo and performative gestures. Go ask for all that from your real life boyfriends, though I'm sure you're all too pathetic to even have one anyway.

[+32] So if you spent $300 on your hair that day, would you want someone to ruin it?

[+89] This is so suffocating, I can't believe people find issues with this

[+63] I get it, though.. there really are people who can't stand cringy crap like this and it's so hard to comply with these cringy requests when they don't have it in them in the first place ㅡㅡ

[+29] Turning down a request to preserve your hair style sounds perfectly reasonable, why is this a controversy... tsk tsk

[+30] Quite clear why so many celebrities suffering from depression now. Imagine how suffocating such a life is? 

[+18] Please stop trying to kill people by getting all worked up over these trivial things that don't matter. Uphold your own life to these standards and leave everyone else alone. Who cares how he "hard" he chooses to work these events, whether to your standards or his? 

[+15] This feels forced. Everyone hates having their hair styles ruined. The fan sounds more like an anti than a fan to get so upset over it.

[+13] I won't discredit the feelings of the fan who tried to gift him the headband, I'm sure she felt hurt... but if this was controversial, then every actor who walks the red carpet and ignores the fan gifts should be under controversy as well ㅎㅎ

[+8] This is what happens when people who were idol fans in their twenties become actor fans in their thirties. They think they can control every aspect of these actors' lives like they did with their idols and project all sorts of fantasies on to them ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+8] I mean... I've heard some stories about him where he's normally prickly when fans come up for pictures on the regular, so...

[+8] It's fine that he doesn't want to put the headband on for his hair but it did feel a bit rude to Park Bo Young to just decline her like that. He could've just taken the headband from her and held it at least. 

[+5] So if you're a fan, actors are just expected to comply with every single request you have? 

[+4] Out of all the celebrities in the world, Korean celebrities probably have it the hardest dealing with crap like this
