Kim Sae Ron marks return after drunk driving scandal with music video feature

Article: 'Drunk driver' Kim Sae Ron returns after a year of reflection in new music video feature... bleached hair + dance

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+1,286] I can't stand seeing her crawl back like this after drinking and driving

[+585] What's next? A CF ad for hangover drinks?

[+422] The singer claims they want to share positive vibes and a message of hope and yet they cast a drunk driver for their music video ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Be honest, you know your song sucks so you tried to get some headlines by casting her instead, tsk tsk

[+178] Won Bin never should've saved you...

[+169] These people live under the misconception that time erases the past...

[+160] There must be other hungry rookies who need this opportunity more than her, why her... 😢

[+63] And what "hope" is this singer aiming to deliver with their song by casting Kim Sae Ron, who should be sitting at home and staying quiet after her drunk driving scandal? I bet you a lot of the staff on scene for the filming were thinking "this isn't right...."

[+61] Celebrities continue to crawl back out like this even when no one wants them so the money really must be that good

[+15] We really need to ban drunk drivers from getting their licenses back

[+14] Am I the only one who thinks she looks really cheap;;;;

[+11] Did she dye her hair so people don't recognize her?... ㅋㅋ

[+7] She looks like Moon Dong Eun's mother here

[+4] Ugh can't stand her

[+2] I'll believe that she took time off to reflect if she lists every single thing she reflected over right now

[+2] And celebrities will continue to drink and drive as long as we continue to allow them back on our screens
