Jamboree members surprise K-Pop concert viewers with their kiss cam

 Article: A surprise while enjoying the K-Pop concert... kiss time between male Jamboree members when caught on camera?

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

[+1,232, -62] Anyone who's watched the broadcast will know that it was a similar vibe to when baseball or soccer games put the camera on the crowd, people just play around... so please don't say any stupid things about it

[+177, -10] I watched it live and it seemed like they were just excited and playing around, just a playful kiss on the cheek

[+44, -1] It's not a big deal... I saw it live and the people were playing around whenever the cameras were on them

[+24, -0] Please don't try to incite hate over something that was clearly meant to be playful

[+24, -1] Anyone who's watched it will know that it was a very playful vibe. Everyone caught on camera would start laughing and hugging each other... Everyone watching at home was dying of laughter at them ㅋㅋ

[+17, -1] I watched it live and the kids just looked super excited and playful, it wasn't anything serious at all. We all laughed like aigoo, those jokesters ㅋㅋㅋ

[+64, -49] Shouldn't they delete these scenes from reruns? 

[+14, -1] Come on, these kids were just joking around... don't try to incite hate with news like this

[+12, -1] When I saw them on the cameras, I didn't think they were actually gay or anything, just that they were all excited and grabbing anyone around them to share a kiss with. It doesn't feel right to put them in the news like this. 

[+8, -0] It all just felt like a culmination of their excitement and happiness in the midst of cheering for the singers~ it was just a kiss on the cheek, let's not blow it up to be anything more than it is. 
