Fifty Fifty refuse to settle with Attrakt unless contracts are terminated

Article: "We are not returning to Attrakt" Fifty Fifty submits opinion to court

Source: Herald Economy via Naver + Instagram

[+718] Can the CEO-nim please just give up on them. Anyway, I'll be waiting for this week's episode of 'Unsolved Mysteries.'

[+580] Just kick these nugus out, make them pay for everything invested in them, and create a new team with new members~~~ Ask anyone on the streets if they know who any of these members are, no one would know. Don't let such nugus drag you down like this. 

[+358, -4] Their greedy parents ruined their careers;;;

[+239] You guys are f*cked, no one wants to see you anymore

[+213, -2] Debuted in November, got big in February, left their agency in May.. how did they not even wait three months? And why did they sign contracts for seven years if they were this impatient? Do they really think they'll be successful in the US? Because the only person left who wants to work with them anymore is Ahn Sung Il..

[+211] Such a shame that they took a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and not only kicked it but used their entire body to shield themselves from it... One choice can ruin your life like this. 

[+129, -3] I refuse to ever listen to another group that any one of you will ever be in

[+113] Yeah, not like we expected anything better from them ㅋㅋ sure, sure, you and that producer keep going, let's see where you all end up ㅋㅋㅋ I assure you, the only thing waiting for you is tears of blood ㅋㅋ

[+100, -1] I hope they cry tears of blood over this decision for the rest of their lives. You do not bite the hand that feeds you. 

[+56] Imagine whining this hard after only six months of promos... pffft....

[+47] Please hurry and debut a new group already. I want them to see what they've lost. 

[+29] I think they know that they're f*cked but it's too late to turn back down

[+9] Disbandment is the only option for them. And take back any trophies they've won. 

[+5] Just play this like how SM does it and ban them from ever working in the industry again
