Fandoms are fighting over which idol ranks higher based on luxury brand deals

Article: "My idol is Chanel but your idol is only..." ridiculous controversy over fandoms 'ranking' their idols according to luxury ambassadorships

Source: Seoul Economy via Naver

[+683, -4] Don't call these brands 'luxury,' just start calling them high-priced unnecessary goods.

[+283, -23] It's the same anywhere else in the world. It's the most famous who get to advertise for the most luxurious of brands. There are ranks and hierarchies in any industry. It's just the way capitalist societies work. Don't try to make it more than what it is.

[+180, -7] And the sad part is, teens see all these advertisements and beg their parents for the same goods... Teens, please go make your own money to buy this stuff if you want it so bad. Only ask your parents if they make more than 100 million won a year. All those idols that you chase and look up to are paid to wear these things.

[+141, -5] Just because you wear luxury does not make you luxury. Stop caring so much about your outside and work on fixing your inside. That's the only way you'll earn the respect of anyone around you.

[+122, -10] Ambassador my butt... Every idol ambassador I've seen just makes the brand look cheap

[+18, -0] ㅋㅋ Instead of comparing which idol is ambassador to where, how about you guys start comparing your class ranks

[+21, -4] I find all this 'Human Chanel' stuff so ridiculous. Covering yourself head to toe in a luxury brand does not make you a luxury person. The New Jeans members are so young and their whole ambassador thing feels absolutely forced. Combined with their iPhone controversy, the group just feels so commercial to me.

[+10, -2] I know that we live in a capitalist society but hearing about stuff like this is quite disgusting

[+7, -0] It feels wrong that idols who are meant to market to teens are advertising luxury brands at all

[+5, -0] It's sad how these kids are so young and yet they're already so well versed in luxury brands and comparing human beings to ranks according to ambassadorships.. this is just crazy

[+4, -0] Seeing teens become ambassadors for luxury brands is the stupidest thing I've seen. They never even look good in it, they just look like brainless little kids who've lost their brain to the rot of showing off.

[+4, -0] I can hear the backs of parents breaking all the way from here ㅋ
