BTS V gets his hair grabbed at Japanese event

 Article: BTS V gets hair grabbed by extreme fan during Japanese event appearance

Source: Wikitree via Instagram + Instagram

[+111] The thought of that fan probably feeling super proud of herself for grabbing his hair and bragging about it to everyone she knows makes me want to give her 400 Dutch rubs.

[+63] It really looked like she was seconds away from just ripping his hair out..

[+37] Need a national death penalty vote for that one

[+35] Where's security? Are they not doing their jobs?

[+32] This must be embarrassing for the Japanese...

[+13] First the DJ Soda event and now this... 

[+9] I don't care how much you like BTS, you do not grab someone's hair

[+8] Wow, that's bad enough where I think even the Japanese fans will find her and deal with her

[+8] I suppose we'll be seeing new listings on auction sites soon: #BTS #V #hairstrands

[+8] I would've grabbed her hair myself if she was near me 🔥

[+2] Armies, get on it

[+1] No way that's a real fan.. 

[+1] Taehyung's out there suffering.. 


Source: Naver

[+224, -3] I doubt a real fan would grab his hair like that ã…‹

[+102, -1] Feels almost intentional, like they wanted to rip some hair out so they can use it for voodoo or something

[+86, -1] That's an act of terror

[+78, -6] It wasn't too long ago that DJ Soda was s*xually harassed at an event there, Japan isn't living up to their image of politeness

[+16, -0] There should be no mention of fan in the title, this is straight up assault

[+3, -0] Aigoo, I didn't even know that happened because he was smiling the whole time ㅜㅜ poor Kim Taehyung didn't even make it obvious.. That fan needs to get in trouble. 

[+3, -1] I think some people are being dramatic... the video clip makes it obvious taht she was excited and trying to touch him and her hand barely grazed his head.. she did not "grab" anything.. ã…‹ã…‹
