39 police called to Gocheok dome due to 11-year-old idol fan's knife attack threat

Article: 11-year-old choding fan arrested for posting knife attack threats at Gocheok dome concert "Angry that they couldn't afford idol merch"

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+2,445] Can we please start raising our kids right... Why are people giving birth and not bothering to educate them on anything..

[+1,065] Let's not go easy on minors anymore... Cut these problems at the roots and isolate them from society.

[+605] What a mess; 11 years old and already has a huge criminal record. Really shows the importance of the parent's role in a child's life...!

[+308] Seems he's not scared of anything with the way he's talking. He should be locked in juvie for life.

[+274] Has someone cursed our country or something?? Why so many threats lately?

[+191] His life's screwed ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ send him off to juvie, and don't let him off easy because he's young. 

[+126] Not being able to afford fan merch is your problem, why are you trying to take that anger out on anyone else... And let's please not give him a lighter sentence just because he's a minor.

[+99] I don't even know how kids are being raised these days that they're all ending up like this 

[+63] Now we have chodings making these threats..? 

[+41] You being 11 years old and you not being able to afford fan merch are completely your own problems. It's because of people like you that innocent fans get called all sorts of stigmas. I doubt you will ever understand the implications of the crime you just committed but I hope you realize that the very oppas that you stan could know about this as well. Aren't you embarrassed? Your life is yours to live, stop bothering others with it 🤬

[+31] If fan merch is too expensive, save up your money for it or ask for donations;;;

[+24] Nevermind juvie, just send them straight to jail.. 

[+22] Seems knife attack threats are just flowing out if anyone feels bored. Waiter brought your food late? Knife attack! Cashier won't give you a refund? Knife attack! 

[+12] The world is becoming so crazy.. an 11-year-old ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+9] Why are kids so messed up these days

[+9] Kids are growing up around Ilbe communities now and trickling into more and more extreme communities as they get older

[+1] Who was the idol group performing there that day?
- [+3] Zerobaseone
