YG stocks tumble with rumors surrounding Lisa's contract renewal

Article: YG stocks tumble... "didn't they let go of G-Dragon to try and keep Lisa?"

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

[+837, -40] She's only "Lisa" when she's with Black Pink... Lalisa without Black Pink? She'll be forgotten easily.

[+329, -134] I've personally never had an interest in idols or singers but I've never found Lisa to be particularly unique or anything. Stop deliberating this hard over a foreign member and just let her go. Perhaps she's gotten used to the fanfare back home and is done with the hard work now that she's got her money. Let her realize that once she leaves, she'll have nothing left for her but to work as a celebrity in Thailand. She's not going to have a solo in Korea. Shouldn't she be worried about being kicked out of Black Pink? Well, I guess my opinion's moot since I still don't understand why Black Pink is as popular worldwide as they are. One thing's for sure from my perspective, and it's that Lisa doesn't stand out to me on Black Pink's stages. 

[+179, -12] Don't bother spending money on trying to keep a member that doesn't want to stay. Why hold her back when all kids like this do is make all their money here and send it all to be spent back home? Just let her go if she wants to go. These members are all going to be forgotten soon enough once YG debuts their next girl group.

[+109, -49] Black Pink's at the tail end of their careers anyway. In three years, we won't even be seeing them on TV anymore.

[+24, -0] The answer to all of this lies in cases that happened in real life, like what happened with Jessica. Members that leave all end up ruining their lives. Meanwhile, the remaining SNSD members are enjoying their retirement by being remembered as legends.

[+22, -0] I still don't understand why people are so mad about the prospect of her leaving. She fulfilled her contract terms and has every single right to leave if she wants, and she hasn't even said she was going to at all yet, they're still in the deliberation stages... Why all this talk about "don't hold her back," "don't spend money on trying to hold her back," ㅋㅋㅋㅋ YG will obviously do what's best for them, and obviously they've calculated that she's making them enough money for them to want to hold on to her still

[+19, -4] I think a lot of the comments here are out of touch... None of you seem to understand the international sentiment... You're so used to only reading Korean news ㅋㅋ Lisa will be fine even if she leaves. It's our side that's wanting her to stay.

[+14, -0] I think she'll end up like Jessica.. Though I'm sure she'll always have her popularity in Thailand to fall back on

[+12, -1] This is always what happens with foreign members

[+9, -0] How many idols have we seen earn their fame and wealth here only to go back to their home countries as solos and fail? Lisa-ya, just give in and continue your success with Black Pink. 

[+5, -0] Let's be real, Lisa's the most popular member internationally... and the best dancer of the group. The problem for her is that her popularity is based off of the Black Pink name. Once she leaves that name behind, I don't really see a longterm career for her. Though that's the point of idols, no? Short-term fame while you're young... Either way, she needs to stay with Black Pink to maintain any of it. 

[+4, -0] I think it'd be intriguing to see how she does once she leaves... Black Pink can just keep going as is. I want to see how far Lisa's influence spreads... or if her fame really was contained within Black Pink's sphere. So let her go and let's see...

[+4, -0] It's over for both Black Pink and Lisa if they split. Do you really think Lisa has world star worth without Black Pink?? She may have the most followers but that's within the synergy of Black Pink... I think the best option is to just renew the contract but with terms that ensure a more independent career.
