'King the Land' viewer ratings drop as it heads into its second half

Article: As 'King the Land' heads towards second half, viewer ratings drop

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+760] I personally find 'King the Land' so disappointing. Ever since I heard that Yoona and Junho were filming something together last year, I thought the plot would be something more special... but it's the same old flower boy plot we've had for decades. So cringe and obvious... and I'm just losing interest.

[+519] Is the scriptwriter from the '90s?? This whole drama feels like it was written and directed from the '90s.. so cringe, I'm dying... I turned it off and couldn't get back to it ㅋㅋ

[+383] I stopped watching after the first episode ㅜㅜ so childish, and definitely behind on the times

[+174] It's just not what the viewers wanted. The plot is moving entirely too slow for all the things that Goo Won needs to be doing. What viewers want is for Goo Won to hurry up and reprimand Pyeonghwa's co-workers, fire the team lead at Alanga, conquer his older sister, and take over King Hotel and the entire King Group, but all he's been doing is smacking his lips with kisses, covered in saliva every episode, so of course viewers are getting bored...

[+137] Typical prince charming plot from the '70s

[+126] It's dragging so hard.. all that lovey doveyness every scene with loud music overlaid... 

[+121] I guess I'm not the only one getting bored

[+112] I just can't believe we're still getting dramas like this in this age ㅎ

[+91] It's just such a boring plot

[+59] It's just been back-to-back kiss scenes, and Yoona seems pretty into it, too.

[+74] The drama just hasn't been able to pull me in both in terms of casting and plot. I watched up to the sixth episode and stopped. This is the type of drama to turn on if you have some time to kill.

[+51] King the Land = Kiss the Land... it's being joked about online as being nothing but kiss scenes. No real plot to it... Just a ton of scenes of affection. 

[+35] Just such an unrealistic princess and prince story... it's a drama that's only enjoyable for the two leads living it...

[+28] I've been rewatching 'Red Sleeve' for the past two years, and I just can't bring myself to watch 'King the Land.' Just watching the clips of their kisses posted on 'King the Land' have already turned me off.

[+25] Why are there so many kiss scenes and why are they played for so long 

[+20] There's no real plot. It's just a vehicle for Yoona and Junho's visuals. Has the scriptwriter actually written anything at all? 

[+11] I stopped after the first episode. I'd rather watch 'Red Sleeve' reruns over and over 😭

[+5] Nevermind all the cliches, why are there so many kiss scenes? There are several per episode. It feels like the scriptwriter is running out of ideas so she's just killing time with all these kiss scenes. 


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[+562, -31] I thought the 'King the Land' episode wasn't a drama but a tourism promotional video for a second. This whole series is such a ridiculous fairy tale, and you're thinking the whole time that the next ridiculous thing won't happen and then it does. I won't be watching it again.

[+240, -10] Such a childish drama. Boring and poorly written. It's living off of the support of its Hallu fans, and a country trying to make a quick buck off the Hallyu wave. I still haven't gotten over Lee Junho's performance in 'Red Sleeve,' but this one's a miss for me...

[+198, -10] The drama's so forced with its unbelievable plot. Poorly written, too light of a story... It's such a waste of a casting like Lee Junho.

[+72, -7] The drama's just so bad. I bet Lee Junho is feeling embarrassed on the inside and would rather not have signed on to it.

[+29, -2] The drama's success is a combination of Hallyu fans and the hit of Lee Junho's previous drama 'Red Sleeve.' 'King the Land' itself is poorly written, boring, childish... and is probably one of the worst dramas I've watched in recent years. 

[+28, -1] It's definitely a drama made with the intention of exporting to Hallyu fans by casting two idols as the leads

[+16, -1] I enjoyed it at first but it's getting so forced now... How does Sarang do the work of an entire hotel all by herself. 

[+15, -2] Too much kissing~~ it's not a drama, just some child's play of what love is...

[+11, -1] Just 10 years ago, all of the popular dramas were of this plot... the traditional Cinderella story ㅎㅎ seems like our country has raised its standards since then ㅋㅋ 
