Fans concerned over Rose's weight loss?

Article: Fans worried over Black Pink's Rose's weight with rib bones protruding

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+266] Fans are not actually worried. We already know what her metabolism is like and that she eats well

[+106] Rose is healthy and is known amongst her members to be the strongest. She also eats well. She performs well on stage. None of her fans have said anything about her physique. It's always the non-fans who bring up non-issues like this just so they can bait hate comments.

[+64] Rose's metabolism has always been like this, but she eats well. There is nothing concerning here.

[+42] It always amazes me how thin celebrities can get and yet their faces still look chubby. My cheeks are the first to go when I lose weight ㅠ

[+23] She's busy with the tour. Haters need to back off. She looks good. If she gained weight, you all would be criticizing her for that too ㅠ

[+19] Rose is known as the best eater out of the group

[+4] I'm tired of talk about weight

[+3] Guys, please worry about yourselves, the f*ck

[+3] People are really worried about the eating habits of a kid whose group just made 100 billion won off their tour. I'm sure she eats better than most of us. 

[+1] This is quite a different response to when Jang Wonyoung's weight was brought up...

[+1] She'd be even prettier with a bit more weight on, though

[+-] I remember people getting up in arms when she had gained a bit of weight before, now they're going crazy over her rib cage showing a bit while she's drawing in a breath mid-concert

[+-] I'm not really worried because she's always been the best eater, and it's just the way her metabolism is...

[+-] I'm worried about an eating disorder
