EXO's Suho expresses frustration on controversy over his musical skills

 Article: EXO Suho, "I am ridiculed over the smallest of mistakes"... expresses emotions on his 'skill controversy' for his musical

Source: The Joongang via Naver

[+861, -15] If you reached an opportunity because of your name alone, then this is just something that comes with the territory of such luck. You think people are only being harsh towards you?? Well, you can't expect to be treated the same as someone who started from rock bottom in that industry and reached the same level as you on their own. The only way to quiet critics is with skill alone. Even if you got this job through SM connections, no one would say a word if you showed irreplaceable, unrivaled skill on the stage.

[+689, -4] These musicals cost 160,000 won or more per ticket. The audience goes in with the expectation of a stage that either meets or exceeds that cost. What you're trying to say is akin to a soccer player already at the World Cup stage claiming to still be building experience.. You are on the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, one of the best and biggest musical venues, and being paid gobs of money by your audience. Before whining about the criticism that you're receiving, you should be feeling apologetic and reflective, and needing to improve. You are the rude one for expecting audience members to adhere to the same undying devotion and love as your fandom members.

[+266, -3] Objectively speaking, you should not be in a musical if your skills aren't up to it. That's just common sense, isn't it?

[+178, -5] I think of this differently than him. He's only even in a position where he's able to get criticism at all because he got to this position under the spotlight of EXO's name.

[+125, -6] I know that musical fans can get quite crazy sometimes... but he needs to learn to take a look at his own skills objectively. He's up against some pretty big names for his character, like Im Tae Kyung, Park Eun Tae, Kim Jun Su, etc etc..

[+74, -2] These tickets cost way too much for anyone to be forgiving about your mistakes

[+62, -0] We need to start by fixing the root of the issue, which is musicals purposely casting popular idols just to get some ticket sales

[+59, -1] Then what does he have to sy about the musical stars who gain experience by working their way up from smaller stages? The audience members are paying their own money for these tickets and have a right to criticize you if they want. You should worry about building your own skills before lodging complaints like this... It seems this stage is much too big for your skill level.

[+55, -0] You are not a student there to pay to learn... you are a professional who is being paid money by others to provide a time of value

[+48, -1] With how expensive musical tickets have gotten, the audience now expects the top of the class actors with the best skills for the stage. Go back to the amateur stage if you think mistakes are acceptable anymore...

[+46, -0] You should be taking this time to feel sorry for all the musical stars out there who will never be given this opportunity even when they don't make one mistake on stage~ If this is too hard for you, get off the stage~

[+32, -1] I really wish idols would stay out of musicals and acting. I can't imagine how gross it must feel for the people who've spent their lives studying and training in the field. 

[+28, -0] I feel bad for him on a human level but he needs to realize that he's only being paid as much as he is because of his fame. You can't only expect the good and none of the bad. The louder your audience cheers for you, the deeper the arrows will cut. It's just the way the world works.

[+27, -0] I'll be honest, a musical actor going off-key totally ruins the immersion... and it's not like these tickets are cheap either

[+26, -2] I'm sorry but I couldn't stand to listen to him because I felt both so embarrassed and bad for him. I know that it's hard receiving criticism like that and it probably hurts morale but you need to understand where the criticisms are coming from and work on presenting a better stage. Don't try to copy others either.. ^^;;

[+26, -2] People pay to watch perfection. No one pays to watch mistakes. You think you're good because the people around you tell you that you are? The audience will determine that. The stage is a place where you can perform perfectly 10 times but it will be the one time you didn't that determines your worth. Don't think of the stage as something so easy.

[+23, -0] What you consider to be a minor mistake is a huge mistake to the audience. Instead of asking people to stop the criticism, you should be working on improving yourself so that no one has a word to say. I know that you can do it if you put in the work. Find strength.
