Arab viewers voice concern over playboy depiction of 'Arab prince' in the drama 'King the Land'

Article: The Arab prince is a playboy? Arab viewers of 'King the Land' raise concerns of "cultural distortion"

Source: Kyunghyang News via Naver

[+201, -37] A drama is just a drama.. If dramas were real, would everyone in our country be like Ma Dong Suk?

[+134, -8] Come on, guys. When other countries portray us negatively in their media, we get mad about it, too. Let's not act like they're out of line for feeling concerned. Even if the drama is meant to be fun, we should learn to clarify and apologize if another country finds issue with it.

[+92, -7] Is the drama wrong, though? Don't Arab royalty practice polygyny? They are also highly materialistic.

[+54, -4] But Arab royalty do practice polygyny so what are they claiming is wrong?

[+25, -5] Where did they get the cheater part from? The character in the drama is single and only ahs eyes for Yoona...

[+18, -1] Anyway, does anyone know why the kiss scene was so long last episode?... Their love story feels a bit over the top at this point.

[+9, -0] I feel bad for the cast in this... It's such a cheap story line, something that you watch when there's nothing else on over the weekends... So much PPL, too... 

[+9, -0] They did depict his character in such an overly playful way that I knew there'd be some complaints about it

[+9, -1] Yeah, the drama went too far with him. There should've been more weight placed on the authority of the Arab prince and his people...

[+7, -2] "A drama is meant to be fun" yeah, that's fine for us to say... but we shouldn't be the ones defending it if another country finds fault with it. I also found his scenes embarrassing, and none of us should get to have an opinion on how their people viewed it because I highly doubt any of us know many people with their lifestyle in real life.

[+5, -2] It's just a drama, don't take it for more than it is!

[+3, -1] I couldn't last more than a few episodes anyway, such a childish plot ㅠㅠ

[+3, -1] It's wrong to depict another country's culture by our standards. You all wouldn't like it either if western media kept portraying Korean men to be stick skinny gay men, right?

[+3, -1] There's one of two ways to handle this... The first, to just apologize and let it blow over quickly, and the second, to just put out various excuses before you're forced to take the show off air anyway.

[+2, -0] But it's true, there must be truth to it for them to be so bothered by it ㅋㅋ

[+1, -0] Oh come on, the scenes were of just two friends bickering back and forth, nothing to get so mad over.. What is he supposed to do when his friend happens to be an Arab prince?
