Loona wins contract termination suit against Blockberry

Article: Loona wins contract terminaion lawsuit for all 12 members

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

[+60] I have never seen a company worse at their job than Blockberry;;

[+53] I'm so, so happy for them ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+45] Jung Byung Ki-ssi, please hurry and take Loona to Modhaus

[+11] I'm so glad, I hope they sign with a better agency this time

[+9] And now Loona is free

[+9] This is so great, I know both the members and their fans have gone through a lot of emotional suffering, I'm so happy for them ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+6] Hul daebak ㅜㅜ let's soar again, Loona!!!

[+5] Wishing our princesses happiness

[+2] I'm so, so glad ㅠㅠㅠ I wish them happiness ㅠㅠ!!

[+2] I will be supporting them on their new path! 🥹💗

[+-] Nothing but good things left for them 🥹


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+866] These kids have gone through so much suffering so early in their careers. I hope that they meet better people in life and enjoy good experiences from here on out.

[+541] Loona's so amazing 👏

[+320] I hope all of you who hated on Chuu are embarrassed of yourselves. Imagine how bad it was for things to have gotten to this point. Congratulations on your freedom!

[+299] I hope they only have happiness from here on out~~ The Girls of Happiness!!! Fighting!!!

[+37] Where's Chuu in the group photo? 

[+22] Such talented kids... congratulations!!!

[+21] So much emotional suffering... It's unfortunate that they had to get a taste of how cruel the world can be so early in their careers. I wish them sucess ❤️
